2024 Newsletter Archive

31st December 2024: No end to this πŸ’• & have a great time tonight but don’t miss these last chances

30th December 2024: Four parts to your day πŸ’• & a great new business-changing product

29th December 2024: Wealth goals πŸ’• get accountable and organized for 2025

28th December 2024: Distracted by everything? πŸ’• & get ready for 2025

27th December 2024: Working smarter πŸ’• end of year sales & new products for an awesome year ahead

27th December 2024: Working smarter πŸ’• end of year sales & new products for an awesome year ahead

26th December 2024: Be unforgettable in business πŸ’• & a better 2025

24th December 2024: Happy Christmas πŸ’• & a gift voucher for you

23rd December 2024: What really counts πŸ’• & tons of ideas

22nd December 2024: Like a customer πŸ’• & a free lead magnet for your audience

21st December 2024: An extraordinary year πŸ’• & content to make 2025 super successful

20th December 2024: Stolen focus πŸ’• & new ideas for your business

19th December 2024: Sticking with it or not? πŸ’• & awesome new goodies

18th December 2024: Head start πŸ’• & ideas for 2025 and beyond

17th December 2024: Too smart? πŸ’• & learn AI for free

16th December 2024: A less than perfect start πŸ’• & a free product for your shop

15th December 2024: You’ve been taught all wrong πŸ’•

14th December 2024: So much to learn πŸ’• & just once a year

13th December 2024: Not much time? πŸ’•

12th December 2024: Good niche? πŸ’• Great deals ending and starting today

11th December 2024: One thing πŸ’• & rare sale

10th December 2024: What you can’t do πŸ’• nail your customers pain points

9th December 2024: Easier goals πŸ’•

8th December 2024: Say goodbye to half your to do list πŸ’• & ten for one offer

7th December 2024: You’re ready πŸ’• & a fun new course

6th December 2024: Work less on this πŸ’• our latest product & last day to save a mint on tools

5th December 2024: That’s much better! πŸ’• and five awesome new goodies for your business

4th December 2024: Question for you πŸ’• & awesome new products

3rd December 2024: It really doesn’t matter πŸ’• & two awesome freebies today

2nd December 2024: If you think it will take a week πŸ’• new goodies and so many last chances

1st December 2024: Business in a box? πŸ’• & new goodies

30th November 2024: Are you one of them? πŸ’• & even more new goodies

29th November 2024: Time to stop? πŸ’• & more great deals to speed things up

28th November 2024: The rough with the smooth πŸ’• & some of the best not to be missed

27th November 2024: Easy way to tell πŸ’• & serious savings for a very limited time

26th November 2024: he secret if there is one πŸ’• & amazing value gone in a flash

25th November 2024: Head start πŸ’• the only offers you should buy this year

24th November 2024: No downside πŸ’•

22nd November 2024: Hard times πŸ’• & some awesome sales

21st November 2024: What combination? πŸ’• grow your business & free seller’s kit

20th November 2024: More motivation πŸ’• & bare feet allowed

19th November 2024: Current or future business? πŸ’• at last, organize your chats!

18th November 2024: Incremental delight or disaster? πŸ’• & new goodies and sales for you

17th November 2024: Which stage are you in? πŸ’• & help for your business

16th November 2024: A different wall πŸ’• & run don’t walk to this freebie training

15th November 2024: Sales could be on the up πŸ’• & new goodies for your business

14th November 2024: Pivoting (again) πŸ’• & speaking on AI later today

13th November 2024: That time of year πŸ’• & new evergreen profitable niche to try

12th November 2024: Pings, dings & rings πŸ’• & a new spreadsheet launching today

10th November 2024: Big mistake πŸ’• & low effort high reward goodies plus freebies

9th November 2024: Where to focus today πŸ’• & game changer for journal and planner sellers

8th November 2024: What counts (don’t miss this) πŸ’• & awesome deals

7th November 2024: I will start my 3 hours of work for today 😊. Thank you.

5th November 2024: You choose πŸ’• & good things for you and your business

4th November 2024: Monday start? πŸ’• & amazing offers

3rd November 2024: Learning πŸ’• & last day for some goodies

1st November 2024: A good day? πŸ’• & free bootcamp from a master

31st October 2024: Worth it πŸ’• & price rise woes

30th October 2024: Too easy πŸ’• & goodie bags to promote your business

29th October 2024: Is this blocking you? πŸ’• & new goodies for you and your business

27th October 2024: The right answer πŸ’• & new goodies to level up your business

25th October 2024: First ideas πŸ’• our latest product (such fun!)

24th October 2024: This one is about you πŸ’• & free pinterest training

22nd October 2024: Easy decision πŸ’• disney sale and free content pack

21st October 2024: This, times ten πŸ’• & don’t neglect this (free course)

19th October 2024: Bigger things πŸ’• or a new start?

18th October 2024: Clues πŸ’• the brightest planner bundle & free mega graphics collection

17th October 2024: Interesting πŸ’• awesome freebies and other goodies

16th October 2024: Waiting πŸ’• & plenty of goodies not to miss

15th October 2024: Your real future πŸ’• & limited time freebie – what to do when sales are slow

14th October 2024: Next time you set goals πŸ’• & our new product for your entertainment

13th October 2024: How to win πŸ’• last chances & brand new free course

11th October 2024: How to stop feeling overwhelmed πŸ’• & great ways to level up your business

10th October 2024: Failure in reverse πŸ’• & launching and ending today to help your business

9th October 2024: Read less? πŸ’• retirement sales and brand new goodies

8th October 2024: Your real work? πŸ’• new goodies & a once a year sale

7th October 2024: A better baseline πŸ’• four new things & last day ten for one offer

6th October 2024: Good day = great life πŸ’• and some awesome new and ending deals

5th October 2024: You’ve got this! πŸ’• plus new goodies and savings for the weekend

4th October 2024: Do it or postpone it? πŸ’• & quick sale – ten of my products for the price of one

3rd October 2024: Speed up without stress πŸ’• six new products and a huge bundle of free clipart

2nd October 2024: So much wrong πŸ’• but some deals are so right!

30th September 2024: The business you should build πŸ’• & last chance for some great resources

29th September 2024: Waste of time? πŸ’• & fresh new goodies for you every month

28th September 2024: A good day to start πŸ’• & a good day for special deals

27th September 2024: Can’t find your passion in business? πŸ’• & our latest product

25th September 2024: Who’s the foolish one? πŸ’• & get your course done

24th September 2024: Hate promotion? πŸ’• & easy on-demand products to make

23rd September 2024: We all have a big problem πŸ’• & get your Q4 focus

22nd September 2024: Terrible training? πŸ’• & four new goodies

21st September 2024: What do you mean work…? πŸ’•

20th September 2024: Your business first πŸ’• & a rare sale

19th September 2024: More victories πŸ’• & twenty-four free graphics packs

18th September 2024: Limitless sugar (maybe) πŸ’• many new uses for chatgpt & five hundred free halloween designs

17th September 2024: Love the critics πŸ’• & free ebook, workbook and audiobook to use as you wish

16th September 2024: Finding and using πŸ’• profitable planning & year round riches

15th September 2024: This has to come from you πŸ’• hot stuff & a hot business model to follow

13th September 2024: The 10-10-10 questions πŸ’• our latest product & huge free fall graphics pack

12th September 2024: Seven or ten πŸ’• & design inspiration and freebies going south

11th September 2024: Stop pushing πŸ’• & just hours left for some goodies

10th September 2024: Change one little word to feel good all your life πŸ’• & tools to help you succeed

9th September 2024: Don’t wear yourself out! πŸ’• & all-access done-for-you quality programs and products

8th September 2024: Rise to the top πŸ’• plus new and last chance deals

7th September 2024: Rich! πŸ’• plus business building goodies

6th September 2024: There’s always a way πŸ’• plus design inspiration when you run out of ideas

5th September 2024: Increase the odds without luck πŸ’• savvy spreadsheets course & oracle cards to sell

4th September 2024: Building a sandcastle or a palace? πŸ’• free coaching program & a new giant content pack

3rd September 2024: Speed up or slow down πŸ’• & four new goodies

2nd September 2024: Are you mixing these two up? πŸ’• & last day for great deals

1st September 2024: 13 minute success plan πŸ’• & 170 free products including mine

31st August 2024: Ouch! πŸ’•

30th August 2024: First stop decision πŸ’• new goodies & 5000 free faceless reels (today only)

30th August 2024: First stop decision πŸ’• new goodies & 5000 free faceless reels (today only)

29th August 2024: Hidden costs πŸ’• & free access to a game changer

27th August 2024: Tough times? πŸ’•

26th August 2024: Confused? πŸ’• our latest product and a free challenge to earn more by year end

25th August 2024: It’s not working πŸ’• & so many things just for this weekend or about to end

23rd August 2024: If it’s too tough to change, try the stealth method πŸ’• and great deals ending soon

22nd August 2024: Power hours πŸ’• pain-free midjourney plus business-changing freebies & goodies

21st August 2024: Small steps but… πŸ’• free mega fall image pack plus new goodies for your business

20th August 2024: A bit more or a bit less πŸ’• simple signs & free content for your blog or store

19th August 2024: The only way to make progress πŸ’• & awesome limited deals and freebies

18th August 2024: One or two things to improve πŸ’•sales & freebies

17th August 2024: Big is not better πŸ’• lifetime deal today only & summer sales

16th August 2024: How long? πŸ’• last day for quirky meal planner & new place to sell

15th August 2024: Easy life πŸ’• free fun fall graphics & a product that leaves the fun part to you

14th August 2024: Not the best idea πŸ’•

13th August 2024: Spaghetti strategy πŸ’• & new resources for your business

12th August 2024: Failed again πŸ’• & simple diversification for success

11th August 2024: Future you πŸ’• free birthday gift today & dig deeper to find hidden knowledge

10th August 2024: I’ve been doing tiny things πŸ’• & three new goodies and free training

9th August 2024: Problems everywhere πŸ’• & new goodies including ours

8th August 2024: Why me? πŸ’• 1k views a day & awesome free food templates

6th August 2024: Use it πŸ’• & get sales traffic with anonymous video

5th August 2024: Indian wisdom πŸ’• & good things coming to an end

3rd August 2024: Day one πŸ’• & the quickest way to revenue

1st August 2024: A couple of quick but profound questions πŸ’• & three new goodies to kickstart a low content business

31st July 2024: Forget the 5 people rule πŸ’• & humanize ai for a snip

30th July 2024: 10 minutes that make a difference πŸ’• & brand new free product from me

29th July 2024: Today is the day for one thing πŸ’• plus 3 new things and a new freebie content pack

28th July 2024: How to create the best of anything πŸ’• new beta offer, fun goodies & an awesome freebie

25th July 2024: Fill your gaps πŸ’• & amazing brand new business-boosting offers

24th July 2024: All in (or not) πŸ’• my latest fun product & adorable free mega clipart bundle

23rd July 2024: Make things happen with this question πŸ’• & great template gift today

22nd July 2024: If you’re stuck πŸ’• new joyful package and possibly the best niche ever

20th July 2024: If you’re not sure about something πŸ’•

19th July 2024: Deal with constraints πŸ’• create quizzes with free software & huge savings on training

18th July 2024: It’s not too late πŸ’• & declutter your digital life

17th July 2024: Stealth mode πŸ’• free pin strategy guide and affordable goodies

16th July 2024: New goals πŸ’•& get comfortable with selling

15th July 2024: Make the rest of the year better than the first half! πŸ’• plus new goodies and freebies

14th July 2024: Get better at anything πŸ’• plus over nine hundred dollars worth of free graphics

12th July 2024: Worthwhile idea? πŸ’• & free course to sell more books

11th July 2024: The most dangerous items on your to do list πŸ’• & how to stand out in a crowded market

10th July 2024: What is lurking here? πŸ’• plus our latest fun product to use and sell

9th July 2024: Picking cherries? πŸ’• plus mega freebie bundle SVG graphics

8th July 2024: Shorten your journey πŸ’• & easily create planners to sell

7th July 2024: How to deal with the whirlwind of change online πŸ’• new goodies and ending deals

5th July 2024: Filtering out what you need? πŸ’• & lock in low prices

4th July 2024: Delete that thing πŸ’• happy independence day and pick up a deal or two

2nd July 2024: Rinse and repeat πŸ’• plus so many steals and deals today

1st July 2024: For the second half try this πŸ’• free content and teach your own holiday sales course

30th June 2024: Is it the end or the beginning? πŸ’• and it’s the end as we know it for many deals today 🀣

28th June 2024: Can you handle it? πŸ’• last chance for deals and two new bonus reports

26th June 2024: The sooner, the better πŸ’• plus easier ways to sell services and create low content products

25th June 2024: Five minute gamechanger! πŸ’• plus new awesome offers and freebies

24th June 2024: Don’t worry about this πŸ’• and three awesome new deals

23rd June 2024: The most important task πŸ’• plus free automated marketing tools

21st June 2024: Take a hike for success πŸ’• + 3 awesome new products including our latest spreadsheet

20th June 2024: Change your day in 5 minutes πŸ’• plus ending deals (and new ones too)

19th June 2024: Worried about competition? πŸ€” plus brand new free template from me

17th June 2024: One year later πŸ€” plus hundreds of new free graphics

16th June 2024: Is this a problem for you? πŸ’• I have enough buyer traffic said no one ever

14th June 2024: Shedding bricks πŸ’• bonus addition and last day for 18 month smartphone planner

13th June 2024: Many ways πŸ’• 750 free watercolor graphics and create your own course fast

12th June 2024: Try handbag mode πŸ’• new fun memes, video training, and the kitchen sink

11th June 2024: Which business are you building? πŸ’• free content kit, crazy bonus, and new goodies

10th June 2024: Your friend and enemy πŸ’• & the secret is out

9th June 2024: Is your business this obvious? πŸ’• & mega giveaway

7th June 2024: When learning becomes earning πŸ’• our latest product & freebie to become email marketing expert

6th June 2024: On the right hill? πŸ’• three new offers & a huge free vintage clipart bundle

5th June 2024: Have you worked this out yet? πŸ’• products for a wide open market and last chances

3rd June 2024: Best use πŸ’• & time-saving money-making goodies

2nd June 2024: Heading for the hills? πŸ’• & new low-cost and free goodies for your business

31st May 2024: Hesitating? πŸ’• & Friday offer and something special for little ones

30th May 2024: Which camp are you in? πŸ’• & amazing and rare offers

29th May 2024: Not now πŸ’• & awesome new and ending deals

28th May 2024: What to stop πŸ’• & our latest spreadsheet with early bird bonus

27th May 2024: This is a dead cert πŸ’• & deal with the hustle culture

26th May 2024: Keep a list for this πŸ’• & don’t miss the 5 new and 5 ending deals today

23rd May 2024: Always have one of these up your sleeve πŸ’• 60% off & 5 ways to double sales

22nd May 2024: Are you in danger of this? πŸ’• & a celebration of quitting sale

21st May 2024: Make it easier πŸ’• & price rising as we speak for this amazing value bundle

20th May 2024: Bad practice 😟 & five products for the price of one

19th May 2024: Well that sucked 😟 & new giant content pack

18th May 2024: If you only do this one thing πŸ’• huge freebie summer clipart bundle

17th May 2024: How to decide whether to try something πŸ’• free summer vacation template

16th May 2024: The best advice I can give πŸ’• & I bought this for my own new site

15th May 2024: The best option πŸ’• create songs, printable shop, or digital planners with ease

14th May 2024: A good time to quit? πŸ’• open your store without a hassle & my new product

13th May 2024: Which option will you choose? πŸ’• free content pack & new goodies for your business

10th May 2024: What you already know πŸ’• new goodies & last chances

9th May 2024: Make peace with this πŸ’•& launch in three hours

8th May 2024: Quick success booster πŸ€” & get your visuals right to sell more

6th May 2024: Too clever πŸ€” & three new flash sales

5th May 2024: How to beat your competition πŸ€” & make matching sets for more traction

3rd May 2024: More bathing required? πŸ’• & something I used to do now got easier

2nd May 2024: You have this choice today and every day πŸ’• & last chance today for some things

30th April 2024: Are things going fast enough for you? πŸ’• & how to succeed with low content

28th April 2024: A successful mess πŸ’• plus awesome new goodies

26th April 2024: It’s timeπŸ’• plus free inspiring content prompts

25th April 2024: Delete delete delete πŸ’•

24th April 2024: The easy or hard way πŸ€” & worry-free pretty graphics

23rd April 2024: No swans πŸ€” plus my latest spreadsheet for mental health

22nd April 2024: How to learn at lightning speed πŸ€” plus new goodies

21st April 2024: Rules of business πŸ€” last chances plus my new freebie for easy summer profits

19th April 2024: How much? πŸ€” plus two business-changing new products

18th April 2024: Impressive or not? πŸ€” plus two awesome free content packs

17th April 2024: Multiple projects for the win πŸ€” & offers and freebies for the win too

16th April 2024: Checklists for everything? πŸ€” new goodies & 51 free wedding graphics packages

15th April 2024: πŸ’• Missing out on work or fun? 😊 Croatia pic & awesome new things

11th April 2024: Find it, don’t fix it πŸ€” & 52 lead magnet ideas for all niches

10th April 2024: It’s a fact & new goodies to boost your business

9th April 2024: Procrastination lies? & new goodies

8th April 2024: Valuable procrastination & another excellent ai freebie

7th April 2024: Keep it to yourself 😊 & total eclipse deals

6th April 2024: Your zone of genius πŸ€”

4th April 2024: Buying time πŸ€” and lots of new goodies

3rd April 2024: Oversimplification nonsense

2nd April 2024: Why not me? πŸ€” awesome new goodies and free design training

1st April 2024: Expensive freebies? πŸ€”

31st March 2024: Before I forget to tell you about this

29th March 2024: Turn the page πŸ€” my latest product and a game changer for content

28th March 2024: It just takes one second πŸ€” the easiest business & last chance for journal creator university

27th March 2024: Ideas πŸ€”

26th March 2024: Powerful idea πŸ€” & awesome freebie

25th March 2024: Starting and finishing πŸ€” & succeed with adhd

24th March 2024: Downs and ups πŸ€” new Alfie pic & massive sales

21st March 2024: On the right path? πŸ€” & so many new goodies with bonuses

20th March 2024: Luck from motion πŸ€” last chances & new income or traffic streams for you?

19th March 2024: Which info? πŸ€”

18th March 2024: Getting to the end πŸ€” & free 50 social media ideas

17th March 2024: Blocking all original thought πŸ€”

16th March 2024: Missing step in step by step? πŸ€” & new goodies

15th March 2024: Extreme ownership πŸ€” and limited time spreadsheet sale

14th March 2024: Passion missing? πŸ€” and 50 free mockups today only

12th March 2024: Good already? πŸ€”

11th March 2024: A good reason to procrastinate πŸ€”maybe should have put off decluttering my books 🀣

10th March 2024: Doing what you can πŸ€”

8th March 2024: Slow productivity to succeedπŸ€”

5th March 2024: Overwhelmed for no reason? πŸ€” & new goodies for you

4th March 2024: Blue-bottomed insects? πŸ€” 50 free gifts included

3rd March 2024: Scary πŸ€”

2nd March 2024: Great expectations πŸ€”


28th February 2024: Special staycation πŸ’• & one dollar content and one day only mega deal

27th February 2024: I’m a bit of a junkie πŸ€” extra bonus for love cash & 60 free products

26th February 2024: My secret past πŸ’• & new cute product from me

25th February 2024: you’re right πŸ’•

24th February 2024: free and happy? πŸ’• new goodies and ending deals

23rd February 2024: The most important step πŸ’•

22nd February 2024: but it takes so long and last chance for some awesome goodies

21st February 2024: Awesome when you think about it πŸ€” + free printable powerhouse guide

20th February 2024: Not motivated? πŸ€” new goodies & last chances

19th February 2024: This is everything πŸ€” new goodies & last chances

18th February 2024: Disappointed? πŸ€”

16th February 2024: So poor πŸ€”

15th February 2024: The A and I that actually count 😊 and the best value for peanuts

14th February 2024: Love your business like a baby πŸ’•

13th February 2024: What you want… πŸ€” & my latest quirky product

12th February 2024: I can’t even… πŸ€” freebies worth over $4k & last chances

11th February 2024: Chipping away πŸ€” the #1 secret to make more (freebie) & 450 free designs

10th February 2024: The potential trap πŸ€” & time-saving goodies for a steal

9th February 2024: Are you busy? πŸ’• find your low hanging fruit & follow the roadmap to success

8th February 2024: Regrets, I had a few… πŸ’• & great offers and freebies today

7th February 2024: Eat away at the gap πŸ’• & the easy way to create a $9 monthly club

6th February 2024: Decisions! πŸ’• & new goodies

5th February 2024: Upsides! πŸ’• & offers that start and end today…

4th February 2024: That’ll be a “no” then 😊 & get in quickly

2nd February 2024: Speeding along 😊 & time to sell

1st February 2024: New places and new starts 😊 & 170 free products worth $7500+

31st January 2024: If you don’t hear from me again…πŸ€” & 7 hours free Etsy classes

30th January 2024: Waste of $92… πŸ€”

29th January 2024: In the mud… πŸ€” fun new products & free design workshop

28th January 2024: Because people are people πŸ’• & awesome deals & freebies

25th January 2024: Because life and tech happen πŸ’•& get my brand new product in Ruthie’s bundle

24th January 2024: Most people πŸ’•

22nd January 2024: Mirror time πŸ€” & new goodies

21st January 2024: Do it anyway πŸ€” website or Etsy shop in no time & 2 new free goodies

20th January 2024: The x factor πŸ€” & any 10 items free!

19th January 2024: Your IC rating πŸ€” & new $9 deal

18th January 2024: Expensive habit πŸ€” & more free content and goodies for your business

17th January 2024: So that’s the one thing πŸ€” & no more faffing around

16th January 2024: Half and half experiment πŸ€” free kids journal bundle & new goodies

15th January 2024: Finishing soon? πŸ€” 4 new things & free training

14th January 2024: Update on the 22 habits πŸ€” & new goodies for you

11th January 2024: Chasing more… πŸ€”

10th January 2024: Drop the rest… πŸ€” + new goodies for you

9th January 2024: A different way… πŸ€” & a new toolbox & business

8th January 2024: Starting today… πŸ€”

7th January 2024: Do you care? πŸ€” & free 365 post ideas

6th January 2024: Avoiding the magic πŸ€” & free Canva training

5th January 2024: 46 mugs 🀣 & a few last chances

4th January 2024: Motivation 101 😊 & declutter your home like a boss

3rd January 2024: Crazy start to 2024 😊 & last day for 70% off

2nd January 2024: No holding back 😊 1k new free things & a few things running out

1st January 2024: In with the new 😊 & more freebie page

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