Newsletter 20th November 2021: Are you average (yet?) 🎁 & today’s freebie

by | Newsletters


A good friend just asked me what an average business owner in the low content PLR space makes so she could do her planning for 2022.

But that’s an impossible question without having an insight into everyone’s bank account. 😊

I know that there are some making well over six figures a year (I wish!) and others are making very little.

Between those two extremes, there are a lot of variables which determine how much you can make. Things like

✅ how many and what type of products you create

✅ how popular they are with buyers

✅ your pricing strategy

✅ your ability to attract affiliates

✅ how much affiliate marketing you do

✅ the size of your email list

✅ how often you send emails

✅ how many people read your emails (Hello! Thank you for reading 😊)

So trying to plan on an average basis doesn’t really help. You need a plan for your particular business model and how much action you’re taking.

You can always improve your business from wherever you stand on the “peanuts to well over six figures” scale but it really doesn’t matter what everyone else is making, just how much effort you’re putting into your own business.

The sky’s the limit but it needs help from you!

Decide what you want your “average” to be, create a plan, and go for it!

2022 could be your year when you make well above whatever average you decide on.

I know my good friend who asked me the “average” question can do this, and you can too.

Today’s Freebie

When I started giving out a daily commercial use freebie in November I had no idea how popular they would be. Thank you for all your kind words about them.

I hope you understand that I can’t send items you’ve missed. I’d spend all day doing that and not be able to send out the new ones.

But don’t worry. If you have missed any in this series, it’s okay. They all work independently of each other. Just scoop up the rest. Mix and match the individual printables and add your own pages to create a fantastic product.

The freebies also come with Powerpoint and Canva templates so you can change the designs if you wish. And you’ll get PLR commercial rights to sell or give the printables away.

Each one will be available for at least 24 hours after this newsletter is sent out, but they will disappear after a day or so, so grab them before they do 😊

Here’s today’s freebie (or click on the image below)

Day 19 of Freebies

$50 Off Digital Planner Course 

Cupcakes & Haystacks have a deal on their digital planner course right now. I love the simple graphics on this one and picked it up a while ago!

If you have a Kitchen Sink Plus membership (see below), you probably don’t neeeeed this. But if you like to learn from different sources (or you want to learn to create digital planners with live links in Affinity Publisher as well as Keynote or you want to master coils and page flip and get advice on selling your planners on Etsy), now is a great time to treat yourself to this one.

New sections are constantly being added so I expect the price to shoot up in the future but it remains affordable for now especially with the reduction.

Use coupon BLACKFRIDAY50 during check out to pick up the Extraordinary Digital Planner Design Course with $50 off It’s never been on sale before!

BONUS Buy through my link and I’ll also give you a coupon for $40 for my store Send your receipt to [email protected] so I can verify your purchase and send you your voucher

online planner


Game Changer

Last October, I signed up for a workshop that changed everything in business for me.

The training was “Pages that Sell” by Naima.

She took something that I’d always struggled with (writing sales pages) and made it so simple, I’ve used her method every single time I’ve written a sales page since.

And I even have her words in my mind whenever I write anything in business.

The good news is, Naima is offering “Pages that Sell” again and for such a low price, you can grab that skill for yourself.

You see, what’s special about Naima’s training is her step by step, break it all down method that you can repeat time after time.

And she offers so much 1-2-1 help and feedback on every step of your work down to the word level that you can’t fail to “get it.”

Three whole weeks of help.

That individual feedback is priceless.

It’s the difference between a page that sells and one that flops.

If writing sales pages worries you even a little bit, grab the opportunity to do her program with both hands and don’t look back.

Believe me, that one $47 purchase could make all the difference to your business.

All 2022 Content for Your Business Blog. Done!

Okay then. This offer is crazy good and given the quality of the articles from this seller, I snapped this right up.

blog entry

Get 60 blog posts covering every important aspect of running an online business including branding, ecourse creation and launching, selling low-end products, passive income, and social media marketing for just $17.

That’s right!

60 articles for just $17 (using COUPON CODE: 30 )

Take a look at the 60 enticing blog posts here and get all your business content sorted for 2022 before the New Year fireworks begin 😊

You’ll be glad all year that you did.

Join the Kitchensink Plus 

The Kitchensink Thursday calls have been a cornerstone of my calendar for over a year with their eclectic mix of social chat (new friends!), list building events, and common sense online training.

And now there’s the Kitchensink Plus membership which is proving even more valuable.

Each month in the Plus membership, you receive a set of limited edition printable and digital planners, journals, and lead magnets with commercial rights plus many other extras.

Along with these, you get live training (which is also recorded) on how to use the products to fill out your product line and build your business.

Join now and get both October’s and November’s content with one month’s subscription. It’s a great time to try this out.

Here are the new planners we’ll be modifying this month. The way Melody creates these, every single person in the club is easily able to create something totally different from the already limited edition club version. And even better, she has done all the painstaking work of linking the pages so we don’t have to. 😊 (It’s very difficult to find dated PLR digital planners because of the amount of work involved. When you realize there are over 10,000 links in an annual planner you’ll see what an amazing deal this is!)

November Plus

Grab the latest limited edition products and training today and get $10 off every month forever with coupon code PLUSJAN 

BONUS: When you join through my link you’ll find three bonuses waiting for you in your account.

Kitchen Sink Coupon

Great course on rare sale…

I love Michelle’s Passive Income Planner Girl course because it has everything you need to build a business on Etsy and then teaches you how to take it way beyond that to increase the value of everything you make.

And the whole emphasis is on building quality, meaningful, and beautiful products as the cornerstone of your business.

Not churning out ugly pages that no one is going to buy.

planner of passive income


It’s not a cheap course, but it’s lower in price than many of the courses we see these days, and it’s worth every penny even at full price.

And at 50% off, it’s well worth the investment. I paid full price for this one and don’t regret it!

Get more details here. And use code HOLIDAYSALE to make it half price.

And there’s a bonus from me, too. If you buy the course through my link, send your receipt to me at [email protected] and I’ll verify your purchase and send you a $70 voucher to spend in my store.


Enjoy your weekend and I’ll catch you soon with more tips, freebies, and some offers but only the ones I personally think are great value and know the quality to be good.




P.S. ❤️  Today’s surprise P.S. deal is a coloring planner which covers both 2021 and 2022 (easily editable in Powerpoint to remove references to 2021 when you want to sell it next year) Use coupon BFDEAL2 to reduce the price from $27 to $7. Get it here

Planner for Coloring

As this daily deal hasn’t been around for 24 hours yet (getting my newsletter done early today! Yay!) you can still get this set of fun kids printables for $7 instead of the regular $27. Grab them quickly before the deal disappears. Use coupon BFDEAL to get the discount

Kids Printable Promotional Image


This email may contain affiliate links for products I personally recommend, however the opinions expressed are my own.

I will receive a small commission if you buy through my affiliate links, which helps me keep the lights on, but the product will not cost you more.


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