Hi There’s a lot to tell you about today so I thought I’d keep this section short. 🤣 I have a simple question for you but it cuts deep when you really think about it. And the question is, how are you contributing to your own lack of success? Apply this...
Hi How you approach new things is the difference between success and failure in any venture (whether business or life.) And that’s because we all have to go from NOT KNOWING how to make something work to KNOWING & DOING to get anywhere. But one kind of...
Hi Don’t worry about how long it’s taking you to get to where you want to go. Or your current results. Where you are right now is less important than where you will end up if you keep on doing what you’re doing. Think about where your current actions...
Hi The internet has a wealth of information out there for free. Enough to make you a millionaire for sure. But it may be useless to you unless you use it in the right way. As Noam Chomsky said “You can’t expect somebody to become a biologist by giving them...
Hi Here’s a simple question that could have an awesome effect on your life. What is one thing that you could take away from your life (or business) that would make things better? Sometimes you don’t need to do or have more; you need less! 💖...