Hi As a new entrepreneur (and even as a seasoned one!) it’s not always easy to know what to create. Of course, we can do the research about what is out there and what is currently selling. But there’s no point trying to sell exactly what someone else has...
Hi People are always giving advice about doing work that you love. But sometimes it’s really hard to know what your passion is, especially if you’re up to your eyes in kids, pets, day job, elder care and other responsibilities. You can end up moving from...
Hi If you want to learn to do something consistently so that it becomes a natural part of your routine, start with the action that you can stick to even on your worst day. Only once you’ve made that a habit, add another thing. 💖...
Hi Some ideas and plans are great. And some not so much. Some info and courses you’ll come across are life changing. And some not so valuable But how would it be if you treated everything you do or come across as containing a nugget of gold? Because in pretty...
Hi Remember if you’re always right, you’re not learning anything. You’re not growing in knowledge or character. You’re not stretching yourself. If you get nothing wrong, you’re underachieving. So be sure to fail at least some of the time...