Smartphone Ultimate Life Planner

Create your own Smartphone Planner in no time!

Digital planners are super popular online, taking marketplaces such as Etsy by storm since their introduction and that’s not surprising. It’s much easier to have your planner on your device than to carry around a heavy paper planner.
But now there’s an even more portable option for those who don’t want to cart a tablet around all day – the Smartphone digital planner!
Have your planner always on hand wherever you have your iPhone or Android phone.
And for most of us that is everywhere, all day!
We recently released a 2024 fully dated Smartphone digital planner which is an awesome planning tool for scheduling important dates, appointments and to dos, but now we have taken planning one step further with this Ultimate Life Planner covering every aspect of your life which could be used for years into the future.
Customers are going to love this new version of the “always with you” planning tool!
How Does the Smartphone Ultimate Life Planner work?
The planner uses the usual annotation apps that people have for any digital planner such as GoodNotes, Notability, and Xodo (but NOT OneNote as that uses a different system.)
You can use your finger to click links and resize boxes and your usual phone on-screen keypad to type. You can also use any stylus that works with your iPhone or Android phone.
Note that the Apple Pencil only works with the iPad and not the iPhone. For phones you need a (much cheaper) generic capacitive pencil – typically less than $10.
See the planner in action:
If you would like to see the video in more detail, click Play and then watch in FULL SCREEN mode by clicking the button on the bottom right of the video player.
Click ESC to exit full screen mode.
Can I make the planner unique?
The Smartphone Ultimate Life Planner comes with commercial rights to edit and sell. You get the Powerpoint template so you can edit as you wish (note you need Powerpoint 2019 or higher and NOT Powerpoint for MAC.) If you would like to use Keynote, see FAQ below.
You will also receive an illustrated PDF instruction booklet for Powerpoint showing you exactly how to change the:
- Planner Cover
- Slide Background
- Font Style
- Font Color
- Shape Fill Color
- Shape Outline Color
- Icon Color
and to add:
- Pages Inside and Outside the Slide Master

Create your own unique digital product business even if you don’t have much time or money!
Frequently Asked Questions
How easy are the templates to customize?
Very easy with the step by step illustrated instructions included with your purchase.
Will the template work with Powerpoint for Mac or Keynote
The template will not work on Powerpoint for Mac because the links will not be preserved. The template will work in Keynote if you right-click the file and open in Keynote (don’t double click to open). Note the instructions for editing the template are for Powerpoint but they are very similar for Keynote.
Does it work on Canva?
No, a Canva template is not provided as we have found the software to be too slow for creating digital planners with hundreds of links.
Can I pass on the PLR rights to the template or sell it
Your rights only allow you to sell the final PDF version of the planner NOT the template. You cannot pass on the PLR rights to others. But you can sign up as an affiliate to send people to this page to buy the template if you wish.
What can I do with the finished product?
Here are some ideas:
- You can add a whole series of planners you create to your own shop or Etsy and sell them
- You can advertise your planner as a freebie lead-magnet to grow your email list and blog traffic.
- Your planner can be used as a valuable bonus for one of your courses or other digital products.
- You can treat your best clients to a free planner as a thank-you gift.
- You can add a planner to your membership site to help your clients
Do you offer refunds?
As this is a digital product, I do not offer refunds. Please check this page carefully before buying. If you still have unanswered questions please reach out to me at [email protected]. Of course, if you have problems with your purchase, get in touch there too as I’m always happy to help.
Do I need to buy software to use the template?
You will need Powerpoint 2019 or higher or a subscription to Microsoft 365 on a PC. If you wish to try out your finished product on your phone, you’ll also need a smartphone and a suitable annotation app – most have free trials. If prefer to use a stylus rather than your finger, you can typically pick one up for less than $10. Look for capacitive pencil on Amazon.
How can I become an affiliate for the Smartphone Planner?
If you would like to promote the Smartphone Planner to your audience, you can become an affiliate on the Thrivecart platform. Contact [email protected] if you wish to become an affiliate.
Will the planner work on an iPad with Apple Pencil?
Short answer is yes and it looks fine and functions well! But this has been sized and designed to be especially suitable for mobiles.
If I put this up for sale, will you guarantee it will sell?
I can’t guarantee sales as
a) it’s against FTP rules and
b) sales are always dependant on the effort you put into the product and your marketing strategies.
Are there any upsells?
You have everything you need with the main product but there are two extras that you can purchase with your planner. The first is a set of six extra covers at $7 and the second is a seller’s pack which will help you get your planner to market as quickly as possible ($7). The seller’s pack includes
▶️ a set of mockups for your promo images (in two formats – square and rectangular)
▶️ a product description template
▶️ digital phone planner keywords
▶️ an instruction booklet for your customers.
- YES Completed product can be sold or given away in PDF format.
- YES Text and images can be edited/deleted but individual graphic elements cannot be deconstructed/extracted
- YES PDF can be branded as your own
- YES Completed product can be added to paid or free membership sites
- YES Can be bundled with other products in PDF form
- NO Cannot share the PDF with instructions for editing the file with others
- NO Cannot claim copyright
- NO Cannot share the download page with others
- NO Cannot pass on the PLR rights to others whether for sale, for free or in membership sites. You must sell or give away a completed product only. The PPTX template file may not be passed on.
- NO Cannot use SimpleHappiness.biz or Jan Small name on the finished product
Note: You will receive instant access to the product in your Simple Happiness Thrivecart Learn account once you complete the shopping cart process. As this is an instantly downloadable digital product, sales are final and no refunds are offered.

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